Warm Human 800-880-9138

You know your bestie better than anyone... you know what they'll like, AND what they might need in their life (but maybe don't realize it yet!.....for example....look at the stuff I want to manifest card that says RELATIONSHIP RED FLAGS THAT I ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO....we ALL have that friend...and sometimes WE are that friend. lol!) 

Add this gift box and colorful shred to your order of 10 or more Stuff I Want To Manifest Cards (or Spirit Animal, or Crystal Cards). Add a note if you like, and we'll ship this powerful little box of manifesting magic off to your bestie! 

INSTRUCTIONS: Put this item in your cart, and then add 10 or more cards to your shopping cart and they will be put into this box. 

*CARDS YOU ADD TO GO INSIDE ARE SOLD SEPARATELY - PURCHASE ANY AMOUNT OF CARDS OVER 10 UNITS, AND THE PRICE OF EACH CARD IS REDUCED TO $2.50 EACH (For the Stuff I Want To Manifest, or Spirit Animal cards) or $2.75 for each of the Crystal cards. 

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