This Adults Only Greeting Card is encouraging you to just ask for what you really want in life
On the outside, it reads: um. hi. Can I place an order? I would like to order one of your spine-tingling, mind-blowing, toe-curling, break-the-bed, wake-the-neighbors, scream-my-name, 8.0-on-the-Richter-Scale, on-no-you-di'nt ORGASMS please?
On the inside, it reads: Oh, and can I please get a side of Rock-Your-World with that, as well? Thanks!
We are saying sorry, not sorry about launching this new adult-only line of greeting cards. The outside of this 4.5 x 6.25 ( A6 ) card looks and feels luxe and personal. You will love the luxurious soft-touch velvet-feel finish and UV spot gloss details. Each card comes with a beautiful envelope. Discount when you buy 6 or more cards!
If you would like us to add a hand-written message to your friend or loved one, just let us know in the comments/note section during checkout.
GREETING CARD FANATIC, LIKE ME!?...you deserve a discount…(it's okay to mix and match designs/styles)
1-5 Cards $5.50 each
6-11 Cards $5.25 each
12-24 Cards $5.00 each
25-48 Cards $4.75 each
100+ $4.50 each
*discounts automatically applied at checkout
Collections: Greeting Cards
Type: Greeting Card